Standard EN ISO374-1, protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms, specifies the performance requirements required for gloves for protecting users against chemical products and/ or micro organisms and defines the terms to be used:
• Penetration (tested as per standard EN374-2): Diffusion of water or air, to check the impermeability, on a non-molecular level, of a chemical product and/or micro-organism through the porosities, seams, micro-holes or other imperfections present in the material of the protective glove.
• Degradation (tested as per standard EN374-4): Determination of the physical resistance of materials to degradation after continuous contact with hazardous chemicals.
• Permeation (tested as per standard EN374-3 or EN16523): Process by which a chemical product diffuses through the material of a protective glove, by continuous contact, on a molecular level. The EN ISO version of standard 374-1, introduces the concept of three types of protection against the permeation of chemicals:
- Type A: The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 6 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.
- Type B : The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 3 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.
- Type C : The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 1 for 1 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.