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Средства индивидуальной защиты с головы до ног

Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов во всем мире.

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Решения, адаптированные к вашей отрасли

Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов по всему миру.

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Мы помогаем вам повышать свою квалификацию с помощью обучения, наших учебных пособий и наших экспертных центров. Наш центр загрузки позволяет легко найти всю информацию о продуктах и нормативных документах по нашим сериям.


Наша миссия

Более 45 лет компания "Дельта Плюс" разрабатывает, стандартизирует, производит и распространяет по всему миру полный комплекс решений в области средств индивидуальной и коллективной защиты (СИЗ) для защиты профессионалов на производстве.

История семьи

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Delta Plus centres of excellence: an example of synergies in the safety footwear segment

An overview of our latest collaborations and partnerships, bringing together the best expertise to produce footwear that performs better, is more comfortable and is affordable.

safety shoe

Экспертиза, Продукция

Delta Plus centres of excellence: an example of synergies in the safety footwear segment

Update 12.03.24

The ambition of Delta Plus: to bring together the best in safety footwear from around the world

The Delta Plus Centres of Excellence: identifying synergies


As France's leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment, Delta Plus relies on its expertise and technical know-how to drive innovation and improve performance at its production sites.


With this in mind, we have set up Centres of Excellence, where our technicians and engineers are committed to bringing together the best expertise and resources to advance knowledge in the field of protecting men and women at work.


In the safety footwear segment, Delta Plus naturally turned to Italy, the world's leading centre for premium footwear, both in terms of quality and style.


We have also initiated synergies with players both inside and outside the footwear industry, in the form of partnerships or company acquisitions.


"The aim is to design innovative safety footwear that is lighter, more comfortable and more attractive. This quest for excellence implies changes in the company's culture and impacts all departments (purchasing, HR, etc.)", explains Boris Dodin, Global Product Line Manager at Delta Plus. 

Global Product Line Manager at Delta Plus.

Combining expertise for innovative, accessible safety footwear

The Aerofit safety boot resulting from collaboration with 3 Italian companies


In 2020, Delta Plus worked with three Italian companies (a machine manufacturer, a mould maker and a technical designer) to strengthen its expertise and integrate innovative technologies

The aim was to create a revolutionary second-skin polyurethane safety boot that was 45% lighter, more comfortable and offered better foot support. The result was the Aerofit boot.


A premium safety shoe, born of Maspica's top-of-the-range expertise


More recently, Delta Plus acquired the Italian company Maspica, manufacturer of the Sixton brand, THE benchmark for premium safety footwear. 

As well as gaining market share in the top-of-the-range segment, this acquisition by the Delta Plus group has enabled the development of a new model. It incorporates the expertise, technical skills and attention to detail that are Maspica's strengths.

Both models will be manufactured in Delta Plus factories. Thanks to its solid production capacity, the company can offer the very best in footwear to a broad market


safety shoe - aerofit safety boot


To find out more about our range of safety footwear, visit our section dedicated to foot protection.


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Delta Plus Systems, P.O.F.A.M. founder member

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