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Средства индивидуальной защиты с головы до ног

Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов во всем мире.

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Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов по всему миру.

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Наша миссия

Более 45 лет компания "Дельта Плюс" разрабатывает, стандартизирует, производит и распространяет по всему миру полный комплекс решений в области средств индивидуальной и коллективной защиты (СИЗ) для защиты профессионалов на производстве.

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Стандарты и Директивыand

Мы работаем на регулируемом глобальном рынке во многих странах. Таким образом, мы должны управлять требованиями, которые могут значительно отличаться в разных странах или регионах.
Общая цель наших менеджеров и служб - предложить надежную, устойчивую, высокопроизводительную продукцию, соответствующую нормативным требованиям и/или стандартам каждой территории, где она используется.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards



Equipment consisting of a mobile fall arrester with self-locking, integral with its flexible anchorage line (rope, cable…). An energy reducer (absorber) can be built-in in the equipment.


Equipment consisting of a mobile fall arrester with self-locking, integral with its rigid anchorage line (rail, cable…). An energy reducer can be built-in on the equipment.


Body securing device intended to stop falls. The full body harness can be made of straps, buckles and other elements; set and adjusted in a right way on the body of an individual to secure him during a fall and afterwards.


Beschrijft de artikelen en de situaties voor individuele bescherming tegen valrisico’s.


Connection element or equipment component. A connector can be karabiner or a snap hook.
Class A: Anchorage connector, automatic lock used as the component and designed to be connected directly to a specific type of anchorage.
Class B: Primary connector with automatic lock used as the component.
Class M: Multi-purpose connector, primary or quick opening, used as a component, which can be loaded along its major axis or minor axis.
Class Q: Quick opening connector used in long-term or permanent applications, screw lock. When completely screwed this part is a supporting part of the
Class T: Manufactured end connector, automatic lock, designed as part of a subsystem for attachment so that the load is carried in a predetermined direction.


Connection elements or equipment component. A lanyard can be in rope made of synthetic fibres, in metallic rope, in strap or in chain.
CAUTION: A lanyard without energy absorber must not be used as a fall arrest equipment.


A work positioning system consists of elements (belt and work positioning line), joined together to form a complete piece of equipment.


Element of a fall arrester system to which a personal protective equipment can be fastened.
Type A - NON PPE : Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points with the need of a structural anchor.
Type B: Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points without the need of a structural anchor.
Type C - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a flexible anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type D - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a rigid anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type E: Anchor device for use on surfaces with a maximum slope of 5°.


Taking into account the level of risk covered, the Regulation defines the PPE categories and determines the various manufacturer’s obligations:
PPE category 1: Protection against minor risks.
PPE category 2: All PPE that are not category 1 or 3.
PPE category 3: Protection against disability or fatality

CSA Z94.3

This safety eyewear standard covers eye and face protectors for applications in Canada.

THE REGULATION (European Union)

Its objective is to develop test methods and requirements in the form of standards defining the technical specifications of products. Some of them, mostly requirements standards, are harmonised with EU Regulation 2016/425. Compliance with these harmonised standards gives an assurance of compliance with the requirements of EU Regulation 2016/425

ANSI (US American National Standards Institute) Z87.1

Specifications and minimum general requirements, test methods, selection, use and maintenance of eye and face protection.

GS-ET 29

Requirements, performances, test methods relating to face shields providing protection against electric arcing.

EN 172

Specification of level numbers and requirements relating to the transmittance of filters for protection against solar radiation, industrial use.

ANSI (US American National Standards Institute) S3.19 - 1974

This standard specifi es the test method for determining the level of noise attenuation (NRR Noise Reduction Rating) of the hearing protection, as recommended by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency).

ANSI/ISEA Z89.1: American standard for head protection in industry


Type 1: The impact force transmitted to the cap must not exceed 4,450 N when a 3.6 kg (8 lb) impact is dropped at a speed of 5.5 m/s (metres per second).
Penetration: A 1 kg penetrator must not come into contact with the false head at a speed of 7.0 m/s.
Flammability: the helmet must not burn with the emission of a fl ame for more than 5 seconds after the fl ame has been withdrawn
Electrical resistance: proof test at 20,000 volts for class E or 10,000 volts for class G. Class C off ers no protection against electrical hazards.
Type 2: In addition to the requirements of type 1, type 2 head protection must also satisfy:
Energy attenuation: the acceleration must not exceed 150 g in the event of a fall onto the cap and sideways using a 5 kg dummy head at 3.5 m/s.
Lateral penetration: At the front, rear and sides, a 1 kg penetrator must not come into contact with the headform at a speed of 5.0 m/s.


ANSI/ISEA Z89.1 4 options: low temperature (LT), high temperature (HT), reverse wear position and high visibility.